Acceder a mis cuentas / Access my accounts
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Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 11th Oct 2019 9:04 AM

Por favor, dame la oportunidad de acceder a mis cuentas, o por lo menos contéstame. ¿Dime cuántos días son de castigo? (Así ya no me desespero yo). En verdad lamento si cometí un error, no lo repetiré. Quiero saber si ya me has leído, por favor contéstenme. Gracias.

Please give me the opportunity to access my accounts, or at least answer me. Tell me how many days are punishment? (So I don't despair anymore). I'm really sorry if I made a mistake, I won't repeat it. I want to know if you have already read me, please answer me. Thank you.

Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 11th Oct 2019 9:04 AM